Monday, March 4, 2024

Familiar Galleries

Constantly alone
she was overjoyed
invited to a sister’s home
to be part of a circle
enjoying reciprocity
she couldn’t lose
because we choose
our way—a balance
When a discrepancy arose
like a light on her face
she looked the other way
happy to be there ---
--- she didn’t care
wishing to be a part of
a unified fellowship
that she could trust
she made no fuss
the promises of inclusion
into the light ---
--- was pure ecstasy
a wonderful delight
Slowly making her way
a sense of deja vu
meets her at the door
had she been in these caves before
enticed by something new
to sink her talents into
a promise that her unique gift
would not be misused
thanking her host
she pushed away the ghost ---
--- of yesteryears
and like a Black rose
her colorful petals unfold
revealing heart and soul
for others to behold
Then, other disparities arose
instead of something new
she received something old
placing her back ---
--- on a lonely country road
boxed into a darkness
that hurt her heart and soul
disappointed when told
the rules of communication
with the whole was the price
she had to pay to stay
Regrettably, she discovers
inside this wall of caves
was just cells built for slaves
her surprise was their disguise
as doors to solidarity
in the end, she surmised
balloons filled with air
no matter where or color
will eventually burst
this betrayal she suffered ---
--- was not the first
Like the elusive land snail
she quietly crawled back
into her dark shell  ---
--- alone but happily
being herself
© ljm 02/26/2024

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