Monday, March 4, 2024


the artists speak
a secret language
raw, no holding back
revealing the soul
fulfilling lacks
creations explode
like an atomic bomb
against waning light
their eyes are bright
like a child’s discovery ---
--- of daylight
and the dance begins ---
the body is aging mind is young
spending days running through
elusive lily fields a sweet brew
dancing with wild sunflowers
coloring them at odd hours
flowing untamed imagination
bathed in darkness-encircled light
nothing wrong; everything right
--- there are no ends
the artists creating
eternal life on a canvas
painting pictures
from within the mind
stealing eons of time
and life lives on
when artistes speak
their native tongues
tender, uncooked
revealing the soul ---
--- a fresh, abiding look
© ljm 02/03/2024

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the artists speak a secret language raw, no holding back revealing the soul fulfilling lacks creations explode like an atomic bomb against w...